Dec 9, 2021
“The world doesn’t allow a lot of room for messiness these days, as messy as the world is.”
Sarah Dasher is a communications professional, a college professor, and a person living in recovery. She and Rebecca talk about the dual issues of stigma and disclosure for people in recovery—and living with chronic illness.
Oct 28, 2021
"Every moment in my life where I’ve learned some massive truth or had some big epiphany has always been in some small group or coffee shop experience. Human connection is ridiculously important to me."
TJ Fairchild, founder and CEO of Commonplace Coffee, has a mission to create environments that foster human...
Oct 14, 2021
“The world demands that all leaders be inclusive
leaders. If we’re not leading inclusively, we’re really not leading
in some crucial dimension.”
Not Simple welcomed Cultivating Leadership colleague and founder of
Flourishing Gays Dominic Longo to discuss how
organizations compartmentalize leadership development...
Sep 23, 2021
“I see democracy as a reflection of and a demonstration
of how much we value each other as human beings. And in that light,
it is very relational. It is very interdependent.”
Not Simple welcomes back Greg Thomas and Jewel Kinch-Thomas of
The Jazz
Leadership Project and executive coach Amiel Handelsman to talk...
Sep 9, 2021
“As women, when you carry a daughter, you’re also carrying your grandchildren… so having a quality experience of pregnancy will impact two generations down the line.”
Kerry Arabena is the Managing Director of First 1000 Days Australia, which focuses on a child’s first 1000 days, from preconception to age two,...